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What is Coaching?

Basic Principles of Coaching, Who is a Coach? and What is the Main Tool of a Coach? 

Coaching is one of the approaches to working with personality, which is aimed at solving her problems,

getting out of limiting beliefs, improvement

performance results, growth in the quality of professional and personal life. 

Basic Principles of Coaching

Coaching is a partnership with a client that stimulates mental and creative processes that inspire clients to maximize their personal and professional potential.

Partnership is one of the basic principles of Coaching, which means that Coach and Client are equal in work. A Coach is not an expert who tells you what to do and how to do it from above. Coaching is the only practice that promotes training in taking responsibility and developing an adult position.

The two other basic principles of Coaching are:


1. Trust between a Coach and a Client. At the same time, the coach can create challenging situations, and show ineffective patterns of client behavior, and this sometimes may create discomfort in the moment.

2. Responsibility for the result in Coaching lies with a Client - his full involvement, and intensive work in the session and between them ensure good results. Whereas a Coach is an expert in creating conditions in which a client's maximum potential is revealed. Moreover, it is the client who creates these decisions.

Who is a Coach?

A coach is a professional who knows how to unlock an individual's potential, and this is exactly what he does during the session. After Coaching, a Client leaves with the knowledge that he created himself, deeply immersed in studying his task or problem, answering the Coach’s questions.

A Coach is a mindfulness trainer - a specialist who, in the process of cooperating with a client, helps him understand what he really wants and helps him find answers to the most important questions within himself. A Coach also accompanies the client on the path to getting what he wants. 

  • The Coach does not give advice but creates an atmosphere - in the space created by the Coach, the client himself determines what is truly important, finds his own solutions, and implements them.

  • The Coach sells time, not result - responsibility for the result lies with the client.

Life is Your Creation Motivational Quote

The Main Tool of a Coach

The main tool of a Coach is questions. In this sense, Coaching is unique among other helping professions - a coach asks the clients questions, but does not give any advice. 


The questions help to find out in more detail the situation in which the client finds himself. Correctly asked questions help him reason, think and, as a result, draw up the right plan of action.


What else needs to be noted is that Coaching is a method of neutral questions that are used to help a client expand his vision and achieve his goal faster. 


For instance, instead of the question 'Why?', which most often causes negative feelings, in coaching it is replaced with neutral open-ended questions. Feel the difference:

  • Why are you offended?

  • What makes you feel offended right now?

It is important to understand that the questions a Coach asks are powerful and may seem difficult sometimes uncomfortable to be answered. These are questions that you may not want to answer at all. But at this exact moment, the thought process starts, with reflection, with long pauses...and the answer that was located somewhere deep in the palaces of the mind is found.

Coaching is about change, and change is not easy! 
But the result is worth it!

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